האם ישוע הנצרתי הוא אלוהים?                                                             JESUS O NAZARENO É DEUS?




The Christians say that Jesus the Nazarene is God.


However, the Jews say that Jesus the Nazarene is not God.


Who is right? The Christians or the Jews?


In order to answer to this question, we must consult the Bible, because the Bible is the collection of the books that are inspired by God.


But before this, we need to discover which is the true Bible, because the Bible of the Christians is composed by the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible) and by the books of the New Testament, and the Bible of the Jews is composed only by the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible).


There is no doubt that the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible) are inspired by God, but there is controversy about if the books of the New Testament are inspired by God or not, because the Jews say that the books of the New Testament are not inspired by God, and the Christians say that the books of the New Testament are inspired by God.


Therefore, In order to know which is the true Bible, we need to know if the books of the New Testament are inspired by God or not.


The books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible) were written in the period between 1506 BCE and 330 BCE.


The books of the New Testament were written in the period between 48 CE and 97 CE.


In the books of the New Testament there are words that contradict the words that God had already spoken before, that were written in the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible).


For example: It is written in the Old Testament (Tanakh, ou Hebrew Bible), in Genesis 17:9-14 and Exodus 12:48-49 and Leviticus 12:3, that God commanded that all men be circumcised, and that, when a boy is born, he be circumcised when he is eight days old and, nevertheless, it is written in the New Testament, in Galatians 5:2 that we must not make the circumcision.


Another example: It is written in the Old Testament (Tanakh, ou Hebrew Bible), in Leviticus 11:1-30, that God commanded us not to eat the unclean animals, among which are the pig, the camel, the rabbit, the ostrich, the fishes without scales, the shrimp, the lobster, the crab, the squid and the octopus and, nevertheless, it is written in the New Testament, in Matthew 15:11 and Mark 7:18-19 and Acts 10:9-16 and Romans 14:14 and 14:20 and 1 Timothy 4:1-5, that everything is clean, and it is allowed to eat any animal.


Therefore, the books of the New Testament are not inspired by God, because their message is totally opposed to the message of God, that is in the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, our Hebrew Bible).


The Christians say that Jesus the Nazarene is the Messiah, but they are mistaken, because Jesus the Nazarene is not the Messiah. The Christians mistakenly interpret the prophecies that are in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh). The messiah prince mentioned in Daniel 9:25-26 is not the Messiah son of David, but rather a priest ruler, because the priests also are anointed, and anointed is synonymous of messiah, and in Daniel 9:26 it is written that after the sixty and two weeks the messiah will be cut off, and he will not have, what means that the mentioned messiah will not have the kingship. The messiah prince mentioned in Daniel 9:25-26 was King Antigonus, who was High Priest and king of Judea from 40 BCE until 37 BCE, and was decapitated by the Romans in 37 BCE. For more details on this subject, see the page http://www.caraita.teo.br/what_is_the_correct_interpretation_of_the_prophecy_of_the_seventy_weeks_of_daniel.htm .


In Deuteronomy 6:4 it is written the following:




Therefore, we see that God is one, and not two, neither three.


So, we see that Jesus the Nazarene is not God, because if Jesus the Nazarene were God, God would be two.


In Deuteronomy 6:4 God said that He is one.


Therefore, we see that the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is a false doctrine.


Those who preach the false doctrine of the Trinity say that God is three but it is one, but this is an absurdity, because 3 is different from 1.


The equation 3=1 is a totally wrong equation.


Is written in Exodus 20:3 that God said the following:




Therefore, we see that those who believe that Jesus the Nazarene is God, and because of this do religious service to Jesus the Nazarene, commit sin, because they have another god besides the true God, the Creator of all things, and thus they violate the commandment that is in Exodus 20:3.


Moreover, to say that a man is God is an absurdity, because no man can be God, because God is the Creator of all things, and the man is a creature, and it is totally impossible the creature to be the Creator. This is a logical impossibility.


We must not deify any man, even though that man is the Messiah (or Christ, or Anointed).


The Satan launches false and absurd doctrines, and unfortunately many people believe in those false and absurd doctrines, and thus they sin against God, doing religious service to a man, as if he was God, disobeying the commandment of God, of not to have other gods in front of Him.


Blessed be God, who has freed us from those false, absurd, and diabolical doctrines, causing us to know that the true Bible is the Bible of the Jews, which is composed only by the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible).


The persons who preach the false doctrine of the divinity of Jesus the Nazarene use as argument the verse Isaiah 9:5 (in some Bibles is 9:6). 


In the referred verse it is written the following: 




The referred name means "Miracle of the Counselor, Strong God, Father of the Eternity, Prince of the Peace". 


With base in the meaning of this name, those people say that Jesus the Nazarene is God. 


However, the fact that God said that the Messiah would have this name does not mean that the Messiah is God, because this name just means that when the Messiah comes, God, that is the Counselor, the Strong God, the Father of the Eternity, the Prince of the Peace, will make a miracle. 


The verses Isaiah 8:3-4 show that God ordered that be put in a boy the name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, that means "Hurrying the loot, he hurried the plunder", and that God said that this meant that before that boy knew how to call my father or my mother, Damascus and Samaria would be robbed and plundered, which shows that these names that God gives to certain boys in the prophecies sometimes mean something that will happen after the birth of that boy, and not what that boy will be.


Moreover, Jesus the Nazarene is not the Messiah, as I have already demonstrated above, so that the verse Isaiah 9:5 does not apply to him.


Some people use as argument to say that Jesus is God the fact that God spoke in the first person plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22 and 11:7 and Isaiah 6:8. 


However, this argument is not correct, for the following reasons: 


The fact that in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22 and 11:7 and Isaiah 6:8 God spoke in the first person plural does not mean that He is two or three, it means only that He used the majestic plural, that is a way of speaking that is used by kings or very important persons, only to indicate the majesty of the person who is speaking. 


In Hebrew, and in many languages, including in English, the plural is sometimes used with the meaning of greatness or importance. 


That is why in English we use the plural second person pronoun, “you”, to address an important person, or simply to demonstrate respect for the person to whom we are speaking. The singular second person pronoun is “thou” (in the objective case, it is “thee”), but in the Middle English period (from the 12th century to the 15th century), people began to use the plural second person pronoun “you” to address one person, in order to show respect for that person, and they used “you” to address only important persons like kings, nobles, judges, etc.


For example: somebody says to the king: “Majesty, you are a good king”, using the pronoun and the verb in the second person plural, to demonstrate respect for the king, but this does not mean that the king is two, or three. 


Another example: we use the respectful treatments “Your Excellency”, “Your Majesty”, “Your Lordship”, “Your Grace”, etc., where the word “Your” is plural, but this does not mean that the person to whom we are speaking is a double or triple person.


Afterwards, people started to use the plural personal pronoun “you” to address every person, but this does not mean that we all are double or triple.


This explains why God spoke in the first person plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22 and 11:7 and Isaiah 6:8. 


Some people use as argument to say that Jesus is God the fact that the Hebrew word “Elohim", that is used in the Tanach (Old Testament) as one of the names of God, and that it means "God", has the termination "im", that in Hebrew is the termination of the masculine plural. 


These people say that God is more than one, because the word "Elohim" is plural. 


However, this argument is not correct, because in Hebrew the termination "im" is not used only to make the plural, it is also used to form an abstract noun, and it is also used to make the augmentative. 


In Hebrew, virginity is "betulim", what proves that in Hebrew the termination "im" is used to form abstract nouns. 


In Genesis 24:9 the words "his master", that refer to Abraham, are the translation of the Hebrew word "adonav", that is the word "adonim" added with the third person singular masculine suffix, and Abraham is only one, so that in this verse "adonav" means “his great master”, and not “his masters”.  


This proves that in Hebrew the termination "im" (that added with the third person singular suffix becomes "av") sometimes is used to make the augmentative, and not to make the plural. 


Therefore, the word "Elohim" (that added with the third person singular suffix is "Elohaiv"), can also be translated as "Divinity" or as "Great God". 


In the cases in which the Hebrew word “Elohim" refers to God, the Creator of the Universe, the verb is placed in the singular, what shows that in these cases the word "Elohim" is singular, and it can be translated as "Divinity" or as "Great God". 


When the Hebrew word “Elohim" refers to God, the Creator of the Universe, and is followed by an adjective, or by a participle used as adjective, this also receives the termination "im", that in this case is sign of augmentative, and not of plural. 


In Genesis 20:13 and 35:7 and Psalms 58:12 and 149:2 and Ecclesiastes 12:1 and Isaiah 54:5 (twice), in the Masoretic Hebrew Text the verb appears in the plural, referring to God, the Creator of the Universe, but this happens because there were copy mistakes that unhappily were not corrected by the Masoretes, and it is evident that there were copy mistakes in these passages, because in the old translations (Septuagint, Syriac version and Vulgate) and in the Samaritan Pentateuch (in the cases of Genesis 20:13 and 35:7) the verb is in the singular. 


The Masoretes made several corrections of copy mistakes in the text of the Tanach (Old Testament), that are called "Qere", but unhappily they did not correct all the copy mistakes, but it is possible to correct the other copy mistakes examining the Samaritan Pentateuch and the old translations of the Tanach (Septuagint, Syriac version and Vulgate) and the old manuscripts of the Tanach in Hebrew, including the Dead Sea Scrolls. 


In the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia there are several footnotes with the variant readings that are in the old manuscripts and in the old translations and in the Samaritan Pentateuch, and there you can see that in the mentioned passages (Genesis 20:13 and 35:7 and Psalms 149:2 and Eclesiastes 12:1 and Isaiah 54:5) the verb is in the singular in the old translations and in the Samaritan Pentateuch (in the cases of Genesis 20:13 and 35:7), what proves that in the mentioned passages the verb is in the plural in the Masoretic Text for copy mistake and because the Masoretes, unhappily, did not correct those copy mistakes. 


I already made several corrections of copy mistakes in the Masoretic Text of the Tanach (Old Testament), based on the old manuscripts and on the old translations (Septuagint, Syriac version and Vulgate) and on the Samaritan Pentateuch. 


To see the Masoretic Text of the Tanach (Old Testament) with several corrections of copy mistakes made by me, based on the old manuscripts and on the old translations (Septuagint, Syriac version and Vulgate) and on the Samaritan Pentateuch, click on the following link: 


http://www.caraita.teo.br/tanach_metukan.htm . 


Yahveh bless you.


João Paulo Fernandes Pontes.                                                                                                                   


Published in January 7, 2007.


Updated in November 13, 2023.






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